Can I Get Addicted To Kratom?

Can I Get Addicted To Kratom?

This is the burning question for all those curious to start using Kratom or the folks currently taking the healing herbal substance; Is it possible to become addicted to Kratom? Unfortunately, with little research around all things Kratom, there is no defined evidence suggesting Kratom is or isn’t addictive, which makes it difficult to give a black or white answer on the topic; this is why you’ll find our post helpful when you’re forming your opinion on the matter. So instead, we aim to bring you the most relevant and up-to-date information on the topic to make your own informed decision.

Let’s be clear, first things first… Anything can be addictive, whether it be coffee, that chocolate bar you’ve been craving or a behaviour; everything we live, eat and breathe can be addictive when abused or used in excess. Whether addictive or not isn’t so simple as it all depends on many factors regarding Kratom. We’ll break these factors down for you to help you understand more easily. Before we get into this, we’re going to explain some biological background on addiction, in particular to Kratom and take you through why many feel that it is addictive and why others debate against its ability to get you hooked. So if you want all your questions answered on Kratom and your addiction to it, keep on reading.

The Basic Biological Background on Addiction

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, they define addiction is “a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and associated circuitry’’ They also bring up that to experience addiction, you must first form a tolerance in the body.

Please keep reading to find out more about whether tolerance does plan a role in addiction; for now, let’s get back to a short explanation. With long-term use, higher amounts of alkaloids from Kratom will begin to build up in the user’s body, making the feelings of ‘needing the substance’ greater. The more you use the substance, the greater you will become dependant on it, and when the moment comes that you’re pulled off it, withdrawal symptoms will occur as your body is no longer use to being in the absence of Kratom.

Withdrawal symptoms typically only last a week or so and are pretty similar to that of a substance like caffeine; these withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Nausea
  • Overall discomfort in the body
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting

To reduce the risk of addiction and thus not have to worry about withdrawal symptoms, a user must make sure they wait a minimum of 12 hours, on a standard dosage, for the alkaloids to flush from their system before taking more Kratom.

Does Tolerance Play A Role in Addiction?

From the information we’ve gathered on Kratom and substance addiction, we’ve found that for a substance to become addictive, you must first be able to develop a physical tolerance to it. In previous posts, we have written about tolerance levels in different types of Kratom and how the type, strain, and dosage can contribute to developing a tolerance to Kratom. For example, it is less likely to develop a tolerance due to the ceiling effect with plain leaf and full spectrum kratom types. The mood-boosting effects don’t further increase; however, the side effects do. This is a natural defensive and helps prevent the user from wanting to take more than needed.

On the other hand, with different types of Kratom such as water-based, liquid-based tinctures and resin extracts, tolerance is more easily experienced with regular use.

You can lesson the risk of developing a tolerance to Kratom by adopting the following practices:

  • Not using Kratom on a regular basis
  • Staggering dosages
  • Switching up strains (for more frequent users)

Is Addiction A Choice?

The studies cited in an article in the Atlantic seem to believe that addiction is a choice. The discussions around the question aim to disprove that addiction isn’t a dopamine-driven compulsion and, instead, is more influenced by the reward pathways in the brain. They say that every addict, whether it be to a hard drug, herbal supplement, has a reason for why they start, why they continue, and when finally they decide to quit, a reason for that too. When we act on a basis, we choose, and when a meaningful alternative is presented, it is often easier to make a good choice.

Two Viewpoints on Kratom: Addictive vs Not Addictive

It is still highly unclear whether Kratom on its own is addictive when current studies neither provide solid proof nor attempt to disprove the addictive nature of Kratom. However, one thing is certain: both sides of the debate agree on two things: when combined with other drugs of abuse, Kratom can be extremely dangerous and, more research is to be done to find the hard facts around Kratom.

Kratom Is Addictive

The FDA, DEA, and other organizations governing the legislation around substances like Kratom, believe the herbal supplement is harmful, linked to many deaths, and can cause severe addiction. The FDA claims explicitly that as a herbal supplement to ease off of opioids and prevent withdrawal, Kratom is ineffective and only adds to the opioid crisis. In early November of last year, the FDA came out with a public warning to inform of the dangers of the so-called ‘drug.’

Our Thoughts: It seems like there are mixed opinions even within the supporters of those who believe Kratom is addictive. The possibility of addiction, although present, is minimal in comparison to opioids such as heroin that you often hear the DEA comparing it to.

Kratom Isn’t Addictive

The University of Rochester Medical Centre speaks about Kratom in a way that indicates it’s been getting a bad wrap. This article, along with similar studies and observations from well-respected universities, seems to be leaning toward support for the fight on Kratom, at least on the side of more research needing to be done. Yes, it may be addictive if used extensively and abused, many individuals in these studies claim, but not more than coffee would be. Regular users comment that Kratom has helped them get off of their prescribed pain pills, but Kratom, like anything, if misused, can become addictive. This is why users must be responsible when taking Kratom and follow the practices we listed above about reducing their tolerance to decrease their chances of addiction.

Our Thoughts: Although we know the alkaloids in Kratom bind to the same opioid receptors as other addictive drugs, not enough research has been done to prove that Kratom alone causes addiction.

Factors Affecting Kratom Addiction

According to extensive research, we’ve deduced that Kratom addiction is dependent on four main factors working together: Strain, Type, Dosage, and Frequency of Use.


The most significant factor affecting Kratom addiction comes along with the particular strain used. Some kratom strains, such as a red vein or enhanced vein strains, have more potency and sedative effects in the body. Due to this, it’s hypothesized that taking these regularly could lead to a greater dependency that later ends in addiction.


There are various types of Kratom available; for more information, you can check out our post on Types of Kratom. Kratom can be used in the basic leaf form, powder, or extracts (water-based, resin, liquid-based tinctures, and enhanced Kratom leaf extract). All of the varied types affect the tolerance they can build up in the body.

Dosage & Frequency of Use

As with anything, if you’re taking Kratom regularly and consistently upping your dosage, you will likely become dependant on it. However, we wouldn’t necessarily say that you’ll develop an addiction because we would agree that Kratom is not a drug in which it will take over your ability to choose whether to stop using it or not.

What’s The Verdict?

When breaking everything down, we’ve concluded that not enough scientific evidence exists to prove or disprove whether Kratom has dangerously addictive properties. From what we’ve researched, Kratom seems to exhibit similar ‘addictive’ properties to that of coffee and has the potential to leave you with addiction symptoms depending on the strain, type, and dosage taken. We are confident that misuse and abuse of the substance, especially extracts, will most likely result in intolerances and could lead to addiction. As with anything, use responsibly, follow our tips on reducing the chance of tolerance, buy from a reputable vendor, and listen to your body constantly. If you follow this advice, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

One thought on “Can I Get Addicted To Kratom?”

  1. Is kratom addictive?
    Uh, that’s a definite yes…but with a “but”.
    It is highly addictive but it also helps keep people off of opiates. In my experience, the use of kratom does not affect respiration like opiates do. People often use it to transition off of opiates, since it binds to the same receptors. I use it to stay away from opiates, imho it’s the lesser of the two evils and keeps me away from the temptations of anything stronger. It’s also legal in most States. But be careful, it is absolutely addictive so use it wisely and in decreasing doses. Being addicted to any substance, behavior or chemical is bad…you lose the ability to choose and give it up to something beyond your own will. So, yeah…if you use it…use it short term and plan to be free of anything that locks you down.

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